The 3 Attitudes requested by the Pope in a published letter to new cardinals

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The 3 attitudes requested by the Pope in a published letter to new cardinals.

Pope’s Letter to New Cardinals: A Service and Unity Message

Presentation of the New Cardinals

This was only the week after Pope announced that 21 new cardinals would be named in December. This was addressed to the clerics on their way to become cardinals dated 10-6,2024. Having presented the message from the Pope to journalists 24 hours earlier, on Saturday October 12th, news of what he wished for each cardinal became known.

Symbolism behind the status of Roman clergy membership

In the first part of his letter Pope Francis greets the new cardinals with parts of the Latin Church, stressing their being incorporated into ‘the Roman clergy’ as an expression to unity and coherence. First, it calls them nearer to the holy Church of Rome than any other world community and connects them with Christianity. Pope appeals for Church unity Pope also calls for ‘deep spirit of fraternal communion’ among cardinals who elected his successor

Three Mindsets for New Cardinals

At the core of the letter, Pope Francis calls upon them to adopt three cardinal attitudes taken from an Argentinian poet named Francisco Luis Bernárdez. The same expressions used to define Saint John of the Cross, are usable here by the Pope in reference to his cardinals. The three attitudes are:

Eyes Raised

Cardinals are urged to “lift up your eyes, lift up your heart.” They are called to vision farther, love more deeply and serve with a zest and zeal. The Pope refers to the new cardinals, saying he invites them to sit at “the school of his gaze”: this is what payed off for Saint John of the Cross and even for The Greater Good: pierced side.

Hands Joined

The Pope speaks on the importance of praying. For him, prayer is à necessary condition for arriving at the will of God and conducting his sheep as a good shepherd. The clasp hands in prayer symbolizes the spiritual bond and obligation of cardinals to govern over the Church rightfully.

Feet Bare

Bare feet signified one being being grounded to live on this earth. On climate, the Pope is back to being a prophet of doom: “New cardinals will suffer for wars and discrimination as well as be refugees hungry in poverty” He calls on them to confront these shortcomings with a compassionate spirit, through demonstrations of mercy — doing so in support and defense of the oppressed, those most vulnerable.

Servant of the Title

Pope Francis ends his message calling for humility on the role of cardinal. The title of “servant” (deacon) will come before the emperor no longer considering himself eminence. Service is at the very heart of that vision Pope Francis has for leadership in the Church.

Closing Remarks

In his conclusion, Pope Francis thanks the new cardinals for their full support and requested them of continues prayers for world peace. And he asks for their prayers… and gives a blessing in the name of Jesus, as well asking that one might intercede on his behalf with the Virgin there.


A letter from the Pope to new cardinals is a jarring reminder of what this status carries. He appeals to them to lead lives of prayer, compassion and humility; preaching that in the Church real leadership is always service, never status.

1. Why is entering the Roman Clergy so important?

Being a member of the Roman clergy equals belonging to Church of Rome and practicing with all Christian community on worldwide scale. It is an important part of the cardinal’s additional duties in promoting unity among Catholics.

2. What Three Attitudes Did the Pope Ask New Cardinals to Have?

The three postures are “eyes raised” (increased vision and love), “hands joined” (praying more and discerning the Spirit among us or at work elsewhere) and feet bare for going on mission to serve in very different, needy population groups.

How does the Pope want cardinals to address suffering in the world?

The Pope tells the Cardinals to not be cruel and merciless, but sensitive professionals who “enter into the suffering of humanity” related news–War-phobic Maria proves his point today best (:

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