Nihon Hidankyo – Nobel Peace Prize awarded to anti-nuclear group –
Pope has always been a big supporter of world Peace. While Nihon Hidankyo, a Japanese organization of atomic bomb survivors, wins the Nobel Peace Prize for 2024 from The Norwegian Nobel Committee in Oslo.
Nobel Prize announced 2024 – Nihon Hidankyo
OSLO The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded on Friday to Nihon Hidankyo, a Japanese organization of atomic bomb survivors from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, for its “decades of efforts to eliminate nuclear weapons.
Tensions on the taboo against nuclear weapons
Norwegian Nobel committee chair Jørgen Watne Frydnes described the award as given to “a grass-roots organisation that has influenced one of the most significant processes of change in recent years,” at a time when “the taboo against nuclear weapons is under considerable pressure.”
He added that the Committee …
“wishes to pay tribute to all survivors who, having suffered the worst physical pain and haunting memories, have turned their ordeal into a source of hope for involvement in peace.”
Previous Nobel Committees have recognised attempts to ban nuclear weapons.
The 2017 peace prize went to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons; and in 1995, Joseph Rotblat and the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs for “their efforts to diminish the part played by nuclear arms in international politics and unrestrained national competition with respect to such arms.”
The prize this year was awarded amid raging conflicts, in particular in the Middle East, Ukraine and Sudan. The threats of using nuclear weapons are clearly undermining the vital international norm, the taboo on use,” Watne Frydnes said.
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